Thursday, March 22, 2007

A day on Sage Mountain

Sage Mountain is part of the National Park System and is located at the highest point on Lotarot, effectively draping across the barrier of the high (2000') peaks. On the north side it is lush, dripping damp rain-foresty--on the south side it's dry and scrubby and totally different. The difference is covered in about 20 feet of walking distance. Quite amazing.
The pics below show the beeves cutting grass high above Cane Garden Bay; The view west to Smuggler's Cove and St Thomas; the view north to Sandy Cay and Jost Van Dyke; view south including the compass (notice the different types of foliage.

Monday, March 05, 2007


"Well Inspector, how do you account for the multiple murders and missing millions."
"Sir, it is plain to see Sir. It is the will of God."
"Excellent work Inspector. Case closed. Let us pray."

Aliens deposit Haitians on small island

Norman Island is a small piece of land, the model for Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. Situated at the south-eastern end of the Territory of Lotarot, closer to the Down-Island chain of the Caribbean, it is a natural stopping point for the north-bound traveler. Such a traveler, indeed many such, were recently discovered there by Lotarot authorities:

Illegal immigrants apprehended

49 illegal immigrants have been repatriated to their countries of origin after they were recently apprehended on Norman Island.

The Acting Chief Immigration Officer said 39 illegal immigrants were apprehended on Friday, February 16 during a joint operation by officers from the Immigration Department, Royal Lotarot Police Force and Her Majesty’s Customs.

The joint operation, he said, followed a report that illegal immigrants were spotted on the outer island.

An additional nine illegal immigrants were apprehended on Saturday on Norman Island while one was apprehended on Monday.

It is not known how the illegal immigrants were transported to Norman Island but the Acting Chief Immigration Officer said based on the department’s intelligence information, the immigrants were traveling from Dominica with the US Virgin Islands as their intended final destination.

So some unscrupulous smugglers dropped about 40 desperate illegals on an island, claiming no doubt that they were in the US Virgin Islands (the jackpot). Consider the logistics--how could you transport so many people? It would take a reasonably large vessel. You can be sure that the inquiry will proceed no further--the illegals somehow magically appeared on the island but they are now apprehended. Ask no questions (you'll be told no lies.)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

anonymity in action

His name is Craig Ferguson and he doesn't have a drinking problem (though he could get one pretty quickly.)

Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell is distinguished for very many things. He remarked in his autobiography that his keenest interests were in sex, religion and mathematics, and that only the wish to know more mathematics kept him from suicide. He was perhaps a humourist, too. His closest contemporary equivalent might be Richard Dawkins. Russell was involved in many projects, not least being The Good Citizen's Alphabet. Follow the slideshow.